Ardublockly is a great project - it brings blockly to the Arduino platforms.

Unfortunatly it is not translated to German. In order to make it available to my son, i wanted to add a translation to it. The excellent Documentation of the project makes this quite easy. The fork is here

I have also added blocks to control WS2812 color LED strips

This is the result so far The LED Strip

Adding a Language

How to add a new language is documented here

It is necessary to edit/create the following files

  • ardublockly/ardublockly_lang.js (added the language to the list of languages)
  • ardublockly/msg/de.js (copied from the english file and translated it)
  • blockly/msg/json/de.json (not changed)
  • blockly/msg/json/de_ardublockly.json (copied from the english file and translated it)

Build Prerequisites

For building Ardublockly from the source the following is needed:

  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3
    • python module pyinstaller
    • python module MKDocs
  • Node.js

Note that the

  • python modules are installed into the Python 3 Environment.
  • under Linux the modules must be installed into the system, not locally for the user
    sudo pip3 install pyinstaller mkdocs

Obtaining the Source

git clone
cd ardublockly
git submodule update --init --recursive

Building from Source

First build the language files

cd blockly
\<Python27 path\>\python.exe
cd ..

Second, build the python server

python package/

Third, build the desktop application

cd package\electron
npm install
npm run release
cd ..
python package\


You can start the python server


Or you can start the desktop app


Rebuilding Ardublockly Translation

In order to test the new translation, just the language files have to be rebuilt. A complete rebuild is not necessary. This is done by a python script.

  • cd blockly
  • <Python27 path>\python.exe

The script must be called in a python 2.7 environment.

If you want to test the changed translation by the desktop app, it is necessary to clean the chromium cache - if this step is omitted, the changes are not visible.

Just remove all files from arduexec/appdata/Cache.